Wednesday, May 30, 2007

little black dress night

once dressed and ready to go....what color do you like? I am blue orange i say...presented with an orange wrapped trojan am funny...NOT...

learned to play craps tonight...scott bought me a drink tonight...saw my roommate's butt jeanie (lovely & lively as always) pulled up her skirt while they lesbian danced in the window...sorry i did not insist on making a video email with the girls...dan liked that i joined into the spirit of the evening with a little black dress

spent much of the night watching birds on the couch outside with david...just met david...80's band dance partner vaughn's of the many men my roommate has dated a couple of times...he believed in my idea that if ornithologists watch birds then i could be a whorintholigist and watch the goings on...i theorized that there were many species...david believes there are only varying breeds of the same one..."all canaries are not the same" he said...i think i may agree...the angel girl was there and a girl from jersey...these two stood out from the flock...

drank little...danced little...but it was hot inside and i missed someone who did not come to join the we left vaughn said i was the coolest girl in the we said our goodbyes, chef asked me to dance in the back away from the crowd...i refused...turned away and did my best dignified walk in really high heels out of the club...sometimes it's good to be the one bird who is not always caught up in the continual need to flaunt feathers in an eternal mating dance :)...(will this lack of need render me eternally alone?...maybe i care, but not as much as i need to to change...)

ahhh...a night home alone...dropped the roommate off at the house of her latest man...a little vodka...a little history channel...and some sleep...

signed...maybe not quite so blue....

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