Monday, June 4, 2007

REPOST…a certain amount of pain with desire

a post that's been days in the churning....and was then revised and reposted…

he said that there is a certain amount of pain in desiring...
how profoundly true...
in desiring any thing...any one...any place...

my pain manifests in a tugging in my solar plexus and/or a tension just behind my bottom lip...funny...that's same tension that, for me, accompanies that instant just before a first kiss...

then, he added, to have is to no longer want...again profoundly often do we build up the wanting of a thingy and then find that once we’ve got it we put in a drawer, stop cleaning its cage, find someone prettier and shinier, more mysterious, less familiar to be intriguing to us until we know enough of them to stop wanting to clean their cage…

but then again, does this HAVE TO be true? I have found that I know within moments... sometimes... that someone is a “keeper” (worth keeping for the rest of my life)…there are just some rare and wonderful creatures (dogs, cats, pet rats, people) that are worth keeping for the rest of your life…or the rest of theirs…

these creatures bring comfort and excitement and insight…there should be time with them…time to have more than one relationship…time to drift in and out of the forefront of one another’s existence…in and out of focus in one another’s daily lives…for these creatures hold meaning in many different capacities…one should know them from many different angles, in many different ways…

well...this post goes to show that days do not bring words to express the ineffable...still true in the repost…


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